My family in Kansas celebrated Easter a week early. I went home last weekend and had a big, wonderful family dinner. It was so great seeing
almost the whole family in attendance. This rarely happens that everyone can attend! Anyhow, so that left this past weekend to us not doing much at all which is totally fine with me:) We enjoyed a wonderful Easter having lunch with friends and relaxing!
Malachi came to stay the night with us and this is what happened:
The dipper was difficult, so sticking his hands in the dye it was! |
waiting! |
The finished product! |
He colored eggs and we later watched the Ten Commandments on tv. I was so surprised that he actually wanted to watch it considering that it is kind of an old movie....I guess not a "kid" movie. He did however and I was cleaning up the egg mess, it made my heart happy to hear Mali and Jeremey talk about the movie. Mali was asking about what happened in the bible story and telling what he remembered learning in church about Moses. Just when you think kids aren't really listening, they are!
On a different note, it gave me a flash forward to the great father I know my husband will be someday:)
On a totally different note, Mali always has to take a picture with Taz. The background story: Taz is technically Malachi's dog that my sister bought for his birthday 2 years ago. However, my sister realized she isn't really a pet person and decided she didn't want the dog at her house anymore. So being the wonderful aunt and uncle we are, we adopted Taz. (Excuse the fact that my dog looks terrified, he really isn't!)
That's it for today folks, I better get back to studying!
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